Chile weather in Torres del Paine
01.14.2008 - 01.18.2008
The Big Trip
on tommydavis's travel map.
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I didn't spend much time in Chile. Really, just enough to pull of a four day hike in Torres del Paine National Park. As you can see from the photos, it was a good choice. I mostly spent my time eating chocolate, taking photos of small waterfalls and reading "The Sicilian."
Motorcycle gang at the Argentina/Chile border
Cruise ship in Puerto Natales
Libertad is all dried up
Poor little Picton
Narrow bridge in Torres del Paine
Some old wagon yolks
Valley one in the "W" hike
Bridge over clear waters
Not quite Iguazu Falls
The mistical "Torres del Paine"
I guess I should have some proof I was there
Torres near sunrise
Torres in the mirror
A group of Japanese hikers taking a photo of something
Long path on day two
"Los Cuernos" or "The Horns"
Lago Nordenskjold
Glacial beach
Sad looking tree
A View up Valle Frances
More granite peaks
The hike is quite long to see views like this
Skeleton forest
I'd love to run a Hobie Cat on this lake
Another view of Los Cuernos
Lago Pehoe is high in the running in the "Ridiculously Colored Lakes" competition
Cloudy Mountaintop
My little tent
Sunrise at Lago Pehoe
Icebergs from Glacier Grey
Glacier Grey
Catamaran on Lake Pehoe
One more view of Los Cuernos
Posted by tommydavis 11:40 Archived in Chile